
政策对话The policies, regulations, and procedures stated in this section are designed to assist 科罗拉多州立大学的学生在他们的预科阶段. 所有学生都有责任遵守 with the policies, regulations, and procedures published on this page as well as those 在其他大学官方刊物及公告中刊登.

请参阅 大学的目录 获取其他政策、法规和程序.

CSU reserves the right to update, revise, or withdraw all or any part of the policies, 在认为适当或必要的情况下制定规章和程序.



Some programs offered through the College of Arts and Sciences accept credit for IB (国际学士学位)课程和/或AP(大学先修课程)考试,如果他们 满足所列的特定标准.  想知道他们的AP或IB学分的学生 will be accepted should contact the Office of Evaluation and Advisement in Room ADM 128或联系他们的学术顾问. 

Official transcripts indicating the completion of IB coursework and/or official copies 需要提交大学理事会的AP考试成绩,才能收到 大学水平的信用.

学生可以直接通过College Board(我们学校的代码是 001694). 或者,您可以将正式副本邮寄到:.




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188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 recognizes that individuals may choose to identify themselves within the university community with a chosen first name and/or gender that differs 从他们的法定名字或出生时指定的性别. 这项政策促进 supports an open and inclusive environment through the establishment of a chosen name, chosen gender identity and chosen pronouns for use within University systems, where feasible. 在可行的情况下,整个大学都使用选择的名字.

CSU reserves the right to remove a chosen first name, if it is used inappropriately, including but not limited to, avoiding a legal obligation or for the purpose of misrepresentation. The legal name will continue to be used in college-related systems, business processes, IT systems (user account, and e-mail address), and documents such as reporting, financial 援助款、成绩单、工资单和税务单据等使用合法的记录 根据法律或学校的规定,名字是必须的.

要请求更新所选的姓名或性别,学生将提交 此网页表格已上载. 如需帮助或问题,请联系库克的注册办公室 行政大楼1室. 128或电邮: registrar@iecbooks.com

Note如果你想使用你的合法名字,你不需要做任何事情. 学院 将自动使用您的法定名称,无需使用 form.

Policy on Family 教育al Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Notification to Students)

科罗拉多州立大学完全遵守1974年的《188bet金宝搏官网登录网址》, 应要求向学生提供教育记录. 同样地,按照 根据法律规定,个人身份的教育记录不会泄露给 未经学生书面同意的授权人员除外. Students have the right to file complaints with The Family 教育al Rights and Privacy Act Office (FERPA) concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with the Act.The 家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)赋予学生一定的权利 关于他们的教育记录. 这些权利包括:

  • 有权在其受教育记录之日起45日内检查和审查 大学收到访问请求. 学生应向教务处提交 院长,或其他适当的官员,书面请求,确定记录(s) 他们希望检查. 大学官员将安排访问和 通知学生可以检查记录的时间和地点. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, 该官员应告知该学生该向哪位正确的官员提出要求 应该解决.
  • The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the student 相信是不准确的或误导的. 学生可以要求学校修改a 他们认为不准确或具有误导性的记录. 他们应该给学校写信 负责备案的官员,明确标明自己的备案部分 想要改变,并说明为什么它是不准确的或误导. 如果大学决定 not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding 修改请求. 有关聆讯程序的其他资料 会在通知学生时提供聆讯的权利吗.
  • The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure 不同意. 允许未经同意披露的一个例外是披露 给有合法教育利益的学校官员. 学校官员是一个 person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); 与大学签订合同的个人或公司(如律师、 审计员,催收代理或其他服务提供商-如国家学生 Clearinghouse; a person serving on the 校董会; or a student serving on 委员会:官方委员会,如纪律委员会或申诉委员会,或协助委员会 另一名学校官员执行他或她的任务. 学校官员有合法的 教育兴趣,如果官员需要审查教育记录的顺序 履行他或她的职业责任. 根据要求,大学可以 disclose education records 不同意 to another school in which a student seeks 或者打算注册.
  • 向美国政府提出申诉的权利.S. 教育部有关指称 州立大学未能遵守FERPA的要求.

CSU将以下类别视为目录信息,因此, may release it to any or all inquirers in such forms as directories or computer address lists:

  1. 学生姓名;
  2. Degree;
  3. Major;
  4. 荣誉(e.g. 优秀学生名单); 
  5. 注册状态(e).g. 全职、兼职、退休)
  6. 出席日期
  7. 毕业状态. 

不希望发布此信息的学生可以阻止此类发布 通过提交 此表单防止目录信息泄露

评论或建议? 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址: registrar@iecbooks.com

The University has policies for both students regarding calls to active military service. 请参阅 政策手册. 学生可以退学,也可以重新入学. Arrangements for refunds, loan or grant repayments 应该解决 by the Office 财政援助. 教务长办公室处理所有其他学术事务. 学生应在接到正式电话后立即通知两个办公室 notice.

请假政策 (pdf)

Periodically students must interrupt their enrollment due to extenuating circumstances.  Allowing students to take a leave of absence (LOA), provides student with the opportunity 根据离校时的规定和政策返回学校.  It also allows the University the opportunity to counsel students about the required 休假结束后返回的行动.

A leave of absence (LOA) is a temporary interruption in a student’s program of study and refers to the specific time period during a program when a student is not in attendance.   A LOA, together with any additional leave of absence, must not exceed a total of 180 12个月内的天数. 12个月的期限从学生入学的第一天开始 最初的贷款.  所有学生申请LOA必须以书面形式提交,并签字 和日期.    请参阅大学网站,了解申请的流程和程序 请求休假.

CSU offers a priority registration week, allowing certain student populations to register 走在别人前面.


  • Summer and Fall 打开1st 四月的星期一
  • Spring 打开1st 11月星期一. 

Although the dates change each year, this is an outline of the priority registration 每学期时间表:  

注册开始 学生团体/水平


Monday Seniors
Tuesday Juniors
周三 二年级的学生 
Thursday 新生
Friday Students-at-Large; all students


学生获得第四章助学金的前提是他们将完成学业 提供援助的整个期间(学期).  高等教育 Act of 1965, as amended, requires students to earn Title IV funds on a pro rata (in 比例)的基础上.  在所有情况下,如果学生在学期开始后停止注册, the U.S. 美国教育部要求学校确定这些学生是否获得了学分 他们获得的所有援助或额外援助必须根据出勤率支付.


CSU’s responsibility is to determine the amount of Title IV aid assistance that the 学生在终止注册之日(退学日)获得的学分.  联邦报税表 of Title IV funds formula dictates the amount of Title IV aid that must be returned to the Federal government by the school within 45 days of the student’s notification 日期或科罗拉多州立大学确定学生停止注册的日期.

The Federal assistance programs for which Title IV funds are returned include:  Pell Grant, Supplemental 教育al Opportunity Grant, TEACH Grant, Iraq and Afghanistan 服务补助金,联邦珀金斯贷款,直接毕业生贷款,直接家长贷款 贷款,补贴直接斯塔福德贷款和无补贴直接斯塔福德贷款.

根据 伊利诺伊州学费真相法案110 ILCS 675/20-125,每届本科新生(一).e. 大一新生和转学新生 学生的学费将在六年内保持不变. 保证 rate will remain in effect for six years or until the student reaches 120 credit hours, 以先到者为准(除非某个专业或项目超过了120小时的要求). 保证 rate will remain in effect except in the event of a break in enrollment 不超过一年(1).e. 两个学期,不包括暑期班).

点击这里 有关我们当前学费的更多信息. 

CSU is a non-attendance taking institution and as such withdrawal dates are determined 通过两种方式:

  • 通过学生发起的退学(官方)
  • 通过CSU行政撤回(非官方)

The student-initiated withdrawal occurs when the student notifies CSU of his/her intent 撤回.  行政退学发生在科罗拉多州立大学认定学生 由于各种原因(如但不限于)而不再注册:  一个学生缺乏学术活动,未能建立学术活动于 the beginning of a new term, student dismissal due to disciplinary reason or failure 支付学费.

The initial amount of Title IV aid assistance earned is based on the number of calendar 学生在学期内入学的天数.  在前60%的时间里 enrollment period, a student earns Title IV funds in direct proportion to the length 他/她被录取的时间. 获得援助的初始百分比由 the total number of calendar days completed in the enrollment period (from the start of the semester through the date student initiated withdrawal), divided by the calendar 学期天数. 不包括连续五天或五天以上的计划休息时间.



188bet金宝搏官网登录网址: registrar@iecbooks.com